Anxiety Counseling


Heal and learn practical tools so you can experience more calm, control and freedom in your life.


Is Anxiety Holding You Back From Living Life To The Fullest? 

Are constant feelings of worry, panic, or overwhelm holding you back from living the life that you desire?  

Do you find it difficult to relax and be present because you are too focused on what might go wrong or what others think

Do you avoid doing things, going places, or making decisions because of fear, perfectionism, or over-analyzing? 

Anxiety can make every day experiences feel overwhelming and unmanageable. Your heart may beat faster. Your stomach may churn. You may worry excessively or have painful thoughts or memories that you can’t control.

But the worst part of anxiety is not always the emotional or physical symptoms. It’s the way it keeps you from living a full life!

Anxiety can make you miss out on opportunities and connections. It can keep you from pursuing that job you really want, leaving people or situations that you know you should, and trying new things like joining a running club.

Anxiety Symptoms Can Present A Wide Array Of Challenges 

There are many ways that anxiety can disrupt your way of life if left untreated. You may experience frequent worry or fear about things that may happen now or in the future. You may avoid situations and people that trigger anxiety. Or you may fixate over “what-ifs” and negative outcomes, like getting hurt, being rejected, or something bad happening.

Anxiety symptoms can also make it challenging to let people know who you really are and have deeper, more “real” relationships. When you get upset with someone you care about, you may be afraid to speak up because you don’t want to rock the boat or ruin the bond you share. And if you’re sad, it can be difficult to tell others about how you feel because you don’t want to bother anyone with your troubles. 

If you feel like anxiety has held you back from living the life that you truly desire, then my compassionate approach to therapy will offer you the chance to gain a deeper understanding of your emotions, behaviors, and what you need to be truly happy. In counseling, we will conduct the deeper work to help you gain awareness of different factors that contribute to your anxiety so that you can heal and learn strategies to help you cope with symptoms.

Anxiety Affects More People Than You May Realize 

Everyone experiences anxiety to some extent. In fact, it is estimated that nearly 34 percent of all adults will be affected by an anxiety disorder at some point in their life. However, due to the number of cases that go unreported, some researchers believe this number is closer to 50 percent.

Various factors can influence how you experience anxiety and your ability to cope with symptoms. These factors can include genetics, how you learned to cope with anxiety and difficult feelings growing up, negative past experiences, and major life stressors, to name a few. 

There is also a wide variation in how people experience anxiety and to what extent it disrupts your quality of life. You may experience anxiety due to decision-making, an increase in daily life stressors, transitions, relationship issues, work challenges or an anxiety disorder. 

Some common stress and anxiety disorders include:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) happens when you worry excessively about activities or events. 

  • Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) involves intense fear of being judged by others in social situations. 

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can develop after you experience a traumatic event and can cause anxiety, distressing memories or flashbacks, nightmares, and the desire to avoid things related to the trauma. 

  • Phobias involve an excessive fear of a specific object, situation, or activity (such as flying, heights, spiders, receiving injections, blood).

  • Panic Disorder occurs when you experience recurring, seemingly out-of-the-blue panic attacks and have a constant fear of another panic attack occurring.

It can be easy to think that you can manage anxiety symptoms yourself. You may try to distract yourself with extended screen time or busyness, avoid situations or experiences that make you anxious, self-medicate with substances, or try to control everything in your environment, so nothing goes wrong. 

Although these strategies can provide you with temporary relief in the moment, over time, they only end up making anxiety worse. This is because they help you avoid the source of your anxiety instead of helping you uncover and deal with what is causing your distress. 

Therapy can give you a safe space to increase your self-awareness, thoughts, and emotions. In an environment free of judgment, you can learn to identify different factors that contribute to and trigger your anxiety. Once we understand the origins behind your negative emotions, we will work together to create an individualized plan so that you can learn skills to manage negative feelings when they arise outside of session and heal from the source of negative beliefs and feelings that fuel anxiety.

My Approach To Treating Anxiety

In anxiety counseling, we will help you learn the skills you need to understand what is making you anxious, calm your nervous system, regulate distressing emotions, and feel more in control when managing your anxiety symptoms. We’ll also help you heal from the root cause of negative beliefs and emotions that intensify anxiety so you can experience more lasting peace, confidence, and joy.

I have helped clients cope with their anxiety since 2014. Over that time, I have seen first-hand how anxiety has both benefits and drawbacks. It can give you valuable insights, abilities, and drive that are important for success; it can also limit your quality of life. My goal is to help you discover how anxiety affects you—both positively and negatively—so that you can embrace where it helps while figuring out ways to shift behaviors that hold you back.

What To Expect In Sessions 

Our initial call will give us a chance to explore your goals and concerns so that we can see if my style and background are a good fit for what you need. My therapy sessions are conducted online only, providing flexibility for you to fit our meetings into your busy schedule without worrying about a stressful commute across town. 

In our online therapy appointments, we will dive deeper into your concerns, background, and discuss how therapy works. We will spend subsequent sessions developing a plan that will help you get the most out of our time together.

I use various forms of research-driven, strength-focused and healing-oriented treatment to help people learn practical skills to manage anxiety and heal from the wounds and beliefs that fuel their anxiety. These include: 

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) helps your mind heal from anxiety, trauma, and chronic negative emotions so that you can gain newfound peace and a lasting sense of freedom. 

  • Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP) is a highly effective form of therapy that harnesses the safety and power of the therapeutic relationship to help you heal and make the most out of opportunities for growth and transformation. 

  • DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) teaches you practical skills to make life more manageable and better manage painful emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that hold you back.  

  • Brain-Based Strategies that come from neurobiology, attachment therapy, and other wide-ranging somatic approaches incorporate insight into how your brain works, giving you answers about who you are and strategies to improve moving forward. 

Because anxiety affects everyone in different ways, it is essential that we tailor our work to your unique needs, background and preferences. Many things can be done to help reduce your anxiety so that you can get more out of what you want in life. With the right support and guidance, you can heal and learn practical tools to manage stressful situations so you can experience more confidence, control, and freedom in your life and relationships.

You May Be Interested In Anxiety Counseling But Still Have Some Concerns… 

I’ve Tried Getting Treatment For Anxiety Before, But It Didn’t Work For Me.

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach to therapy because we all have different backgrounds, preferences, and needs. If your past experiences with anxiety therapists didn’t benefit you in the ways you wanted, it could be because you needed:

  • A different approach: For some people, CBT may work great to help them face anxiety-producing situations and reframe anxious thoughts; while someone else may get more help from mindfulness skills or healing past wounds.

  • Something else first: Sometimes, therapy needs to help you learn tools to deal with anxiety, distressing emotions and current life challenges first before you move on to addressing the underlying reasons for them. At other times, skills and changes won’t stick unless you address the root cause first.

  • Medication: If therapy isn’t enough to control your anxiety, your brain may need a chemical boost to ease symptoms of anxiety, irritability, and hopelessness to the point that recovery and healing can take place.

  • More time: It takes time and consistency for symptoms of anxiety to dimmish and have changes stick. How long this will take for you will depend on your goals for therapy, the origin and depth of your challenges, the work you do in and outside of each session, and the unique way your brain and body work.

For this reason, I’ve trained in many different therapeutic approaches so we can tailor our approach to your unique needs and preferences. Together, we will work to explore your goals and collaboratively decide what needs to be addressed to help you get to where you want to be. 

I Don’t Need Anxiety Counseling Because Taking Medication Should Be Enough. 

While medication can help soothe the symptoms of anxiety in the short term, it isn’t always the most effective means of treatment for lasting results. In fact, research shows that engaging in therapy can lead to fewer setbacks in your progress in the long-run

This because therapy helps you realize what triggers your anxiety so you can learn coping skills to use whenever the stressors arise in your everyday life. Therapy can also help you identify and address the source of negative beliefs and emotions that fuel your anxiety so you can experience more lasting confidence and peace. 

Sometimes you can reduce your levels of anxiety without medication and sometimes combining therapy with medication and lifestyle changes are necessary to help you get the results you want. If you are not sure what you need, we can explore together in therapy what is the best option for you.

Therapy Is For People Who Have It Worse Than I Do. 

Regardless of how severe or mild your symptoms are, understanding how one’s unique brain functions is an opportunity and gift many people do not allow themselves. A dear mentor of mine used to say, “Successful people work on themselves.

Many people who experience anxiety are smart, analytical, creative, caring, perfectionistic, and hard working. Consulting with a therapist is not about being “defective” or having worse-than-average problems. Getting treatment is about the personal change and growth you experience in your journey to feeling better and getting more of what you want out of life. Therapy is about helping you be your best personally and professionally.

In fact, decades of research on emotional intelligence have shown that people who understand their own feelings are more innovative, can synthesize diverse opinions and lessen conflict better, and have higher job satisfaction, stronger job performance, and better relationships.

Some of the benefits that the people I have worked with in therapy have experienced are:

  • Feeling lighter, happier and calmer because anxiety, panic attacks and emotional pain have significantly lessened or gone away completely.

  • Increased connection and satisfaction in relationships because it is easier to identify and share your emotions, let your guard down and be your real self with others.

  • Greater self-confidence and trust in your abilities because you understand how you operate, have tools to work through difficulties and obstacles, and have worked through past experiences that keep fueling anxiety in the present.

Let Me Help Lead You To A Life Of True Fulfillment 

Overcoming the hold that anxiety has on you is possible, and I would love to help guide you in your journey. We will collaborate so that you can focus your energy on finding the true fulfillment that you desire and utilize the techniques learned in therapy to effectively manage your anxiety symptoms in any situation that you find yourself in. 

To learn more about anxiety counseling, you can set up a free consultation call by visiting my contact page. I look forward to hearing from you!